This table lets you define those awards, which you wish to authorise for use in general, for instance by taking account of your travel guidelines. The entries can be sorted by the criteria "Program", "Type of award" and "Area". As standard, we provide you with the complete award table of your dominant home carrier. Customers of Global Flight’s consulting service receive the table for the programs to be used according to their individual program selection.

If you have opted for the integration of Corporate Loyalty Programs for SMEs, they are marked up in green in the list of programs and can hence be distinguished visually from Frequent Flyer Programs.


You can overwrite the provided standard table as well as delete it in whole or partially and complete with own entries respectively. By clicking on the area, you can see which countries and eventually additional cities are included to the selected area.


In order to modify/delete existing entries, click on the double arrow at the beginning of the line. By clicking on ++, you can copy the rule. This can be appropriate if you wish to modify just one or two parameters of a rule, e.g. the departure country or the class of service and the number of required points.


If you do an own entry, you should check whether the area required by you is identical to the standard definition. If this is not the case, you should define it yourself accordingly. Please note that most programs usually deviate in several points from the standard tables. For example, Europe is sometimes divided into several zones, Mexico is included to North America or North Asia and Southeast Asia represent different zones.

In order to proceed with such an entry, go in the main menu to “Own areas”, confirm the warning message, choose the desired program in the program table, click on “Areas” and then on “New Area”.


Here you can select the template for the new area, what means that you will be able to base on the standard definition of that area. This is recommended if you wish to make only a minor adjustment to an existing area, such as assigning the country Mexico to the area North America, contrary to the standard definition. Alternatively, you can also start with an area without template.

Furthermore, you can also select a template for the departure countries to which your area definition should apply. Usually, you can leave this field empty though and define manually the country where your company is based as departure country in the subsequent step.

After having clicked on “Select”, you get to the next step. Here you can rename your area if desired and must choose, which standard area should be overwritten by your definition.

Afterwards, you define the countries assigned to the region by moving them from the right to the left in the corresponding box. You can also remove selected countries from the area by moving them from the left to the right.

Additionally, you can include or exclude specific countries from your selection beyond the country borders. In the example below, all cities on Hawaii (USA) have been excluded from the region North America.



If a country or a city is represented more than once in the definitions you use (mix of your own definitions for certain areas and standard definitions for the rest), several possible awards for that route are displayed for an award query. This can be a deliberate result (e.g. if different area definitions apply to different partners within the same Frequent Flyer Program), but might also point to a mistake with the area definitions. In the same manner, an award query for a destination will yield no result if its country or the city itself is no longer included to any area (after having overwritten the standard definition).

In the table of authorised awards, you can recognise in the brackets after the areas whether it is a standard area, an area modified by us (Admin) or by you (User).

Next to the provided standard rules, you can also order additional complete award tables at a price of 189 EUR per program. Given the complexity of the correct definitions of destination areas, we recommend urgently making use of that option in case you use additional programs with different area definitions in order to ensure the correctness of your queries!
