In this menu, you can set up travellers and administrate their points and certificates in all Frequent Flyer Programs. A search and filter function are at your disposal to do so.

If you open the page, an overview list of all travellers is displayed automatically. You can limit the display to certain divisions on the left hand side and select how many travellers shall be displayed per page. The search field allows you to do a free search across all travellers included, which have a part of your selection in either their last or their first name. So for instance, if you enter “es’, all travellers with the first name James will be displayed, too.


The account balances of all travellers are automatically updated once a week. After logging in at the highest level, the program tells you when the last update of account balances took place and when the next one is planned.


These automatic account updates can only work if the card number and PIN or the user name and password respectively have been entered to the account data of the travellers! The contact person saved in the company data receives every time an error report with corresponding details about those accounts, where the automatic update of account balances has failed.

The button "Set up new traveller" lets you integrate a new traveller. Enter in the following menu the basic information about the traveller and his internal assignment in the division tree on the left.


Once you've set up the traveller, you can view his basic information by clicking on the button "Details" or edit them through the button "Edit".

The buttons "Points" and "Certificates" respectively let you view the summary for points and certificates in all Frequent Flyer Programs of the traveller. Here you have the possibility to enter new account balances for Frequent Flyer Programs and to enter certificates (such as free upgrade certificates for elite members) or to update and delete existing entries. Accounts you wish to work with can be selected by clicking on the double arrow at the beginning of the line. By accessing a program in the points administration menu, the date of the last account statement is automatically set to the current date and retained upon saving the changes. Of course, you can also modify the date manually. When adding a new program, the transferability of awards is preset according to the current conditions of the program in question, but can also be edited manually at any time.



The indication of points that are about to expire helps the FFP Manager to recognise which points need to be redeemed with a priority. That's why you should take care of these fields as well for these programs where points expire. Please pay also particular attention to the correct selection whether awards/certificates are transferable or not. In the last column "Personal points", you can indicate the amount of points your travellers may have collected at a personal level in the corresponding program. Those won't anymore be taken into account for corporate use.

Please note that the automatic updates of account balances apply to the total number of points only. All further information such as personal points or expiring points needs to be entered manually.

If you have opted for the integration of Corporate Loyalty Programs for SMEs, they are marked up in green in the list of programs and can hence be distinguished visually from Frequent Flyer Programs. We suggest that you create a department and a traveller called simply "company" in order to work properly with these programs. Account balances of these programs are not updated automatically and need thus to be entered manually.

The button "Deactivate" moves the traveller to the list of inactive travellers. The overview of this list is enabled by selecting “Only inactive” in the search filter. Inactive travellers are not taken into account for reports and queries. An inactive traveller can be activated again by clicking on the button "Activate", after having assigned again a division/cost center to the traveller in question.


The button "Delete" will delete the traveller after confirming a security question. Thereby, the traveller is deleted DEFINITELY and irreversibly along with all his points, certificates and previously used awards (used by himself or by a colleague with his points/certificates).


Please note that you're limited to set up a maximum number of travellers according to your purchased rights to use. Inactive travellers are also accounted towards that total number.

In case you wish to import data of your travellers from other sources at the beginning in order not to have to set them up manually, please contact us for details.